Basel Universität

Sabine Maier


P. Steiner, E. Gnecco, T. Filleter, N.N. Gosvami, S. Maier, E. Meyer, R. Bennewitz 
Atomic Friction Investigations on Ordered Superstructures 
Tribology Letters, 39, (2010), 321, pdf.
S. Kawai, S. Maier, Th. Glatzel, S. Koch, B. Such, L. Zimmerli, L.-A. Fendt, F. Diederich, and E. Meyer 
Cutting and self-healing molecular wires studied by dynamic force microscopy 
Appl. Phys. Lett., 95, (2009), 103109, pdf.
P. Steiner, R. Roth, E. Gnecco, A. Baratoff, S. Maier, Th. Glatzel, and E. Meyer 
Two-dimensional simulation of superlubricity on NaCl and highly oriented pyrolytic graphite 
Phys. Rev. B, 79, (2009), 045414, pdf.
E. Gnecco, A. Socoliuc, S. Maier, J. Gessler, Th. Glatzel, A. Baratoff and E. Meyer 
Dynamic superlubricity on insulating and conductive surfaces in ultra-high vacuum and ambient environment 
Nanotechnology, 20, (2009), 025501, pdf.
E. Gnecco, S. Maier, and E. Meyer 
Superlubricity of dry nanocontacts 
J. Phys. Condens. Matt., 20, (2008), 354004, pdf.
S. Maier, E. Gnecco, A. Baratoff, R. Bennewitz, and E. Meyer 
Atomic-scale friction modulated by a buried interface: Combined atomic and friction force microscopy experiments 
Phys. Rev. B, 78, (2008), 045432, pdf.
U. Wyder, A. Baratoff, E. Meyer, L. N. Kantorovich, J. David, S. Maier, T. Filleter, R. Bennewitz 
Interpretation of atomic friction experiments based on atomistic simulations 
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 25, (5), (2007), 1547-1553, pdf.
S. Maier, O. Pfeiffer, Th. Glatzel, E. Meyer, T. Filleter, and R. Bennewitz 
Asymmetry in the reciprocal epitaxy of NaCl and KBr 
Phys. Rev. B, 75, (2007), 195408.
L. Zimmerli, S. Maier, Th. Glatzel, E. Gnecco, O. Pfeiffer, F. Diederich, L. Fendt and E. Meyer 
Formation of molecular wires on nanostructured KBr 
J. Phys.: Conf. Series, 61, (2007), 1357-1360, pdf.
A. Socoliuc, E. Gnecco, S. Maier, O. Pfeiffer, A. Baratoff, R. Bennewitz and E.Meyer 
Atomic-scale control of friction by actuation of nanometer-sized contacts 
Science, 313, (2006), 207-210, pdf.
S. Maier, Y. Sang, T. Filleter, M. Grant, R. Bennewitz, E. Gnecco and E. Meyer 
Fluctuations and jump dynamics in atomic friction 
Phys. Rev. B, 72, (2005), 245418, pdf.
O. Pfeiffer, E. Gnecco, L. Zimmerli, S. Maier, E. Meyer, L. Nony, R. Bennewitz, F. Diederich, H. Fang, and D. Bonifazi 
Force microscopy on insulators: imaging of organic molecules 
J. Phys.: Conf. Series, 19, (2005), 166.
L. Nony, E. Gnecco, A. Alkauskas, A. Baratoff, R. Bennewitz, O. Pfeiffer, S. Maier, A. Wetzel, E. Meyer, and C. Gerber 
Observation of individual molecules trapped on a nanostructured insulator 
Nano Letters, 44, (2004), 2185, pdf.