Marco Wisse
Postdoc PhD in Physics office 3.01a tel +41 (0)61 267 3720 more... |
Research interests
My main interest is in magnetic confinement fusion research, a field in which I have been working as an experimental phycisist for the last 9 years. My current research focuses on the development of laser ablation cleaning as a means of cleaning diagnostic mirrors in situ. Before that I was responsible for the development and operation of the charge-exchange recombination spectroscopy (CXRS) diagnostic at the Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak (MAST), the UK's national fusion experiment. This diagnostic is a tool that allows detailed measurements of ion temperature, plasma rotation speed and impurity density. MAST was the first tokamak to demonstrate supersonic rotation, reaching speeds of up to 350 km/s.
M. Wisse, L. Marot, R. Steiner, D. Mathys, A. Stumpp, M. Joanny, J. M. Travere, E. Meyer Pico- and nanosecond laser ablation of mixed tungsten / aluminium films Fusion Science and Technology, (2014), pdf. |
M. Wisse, L. Marot, A. Widdowson, M. Rubel, D. Ivanova, P. Petersson, R.P. Doerner, M.J. Baldwin, J. Likonen, E. Alves, A. Hakola, S. Koivuranta, R. Steiner, E. Meyer Laser-assisted cleaning of beryllium-containing mirror samples from JET and PISCES-B Fusion Engineering and Design, 89, (2014), 122–130, pdf. |
B. Eren, M. Wisse, L. Marot, R. Steiner, E. Meyer Deuterium plasma exposure on rhodium: Reflectivity monitoring and evidence of subsurface deuteride formation Appl. Surf. Sci, 273, (2013), 94-100, pdf. |
B. Eren, L. Marot, M. Wisse, D. Mathys, M. Joanny, J-M. Travère, R. Steiner, E. Meyer In situ evaluation of the reflectivity of molybdenum and rhodium coatings in an ITER-like mixed environment J. Nucl. Mat., 438, (2013), S852-5, pdf. |
B. Eren, L. Marot, I. V. Ryzhkov, S. Lindig, A. Houben, M. Wisse, O. O. Skoryk, M. Oberkofler, V. S. Voitsenya, Ch. Linsmeier, E. Meyer Roughening and reflection performance of molybdenum coatings exposed to a high-flux deuterium plasma Nuclear Fusion, 53, (113013), (2013), pdf. |
M. Wisse, L. Marot, B. Eren, R. Steiner, D. Mathys, E. Meyer Laser damage thresholds of ITER mirror materials and first results on in situ laser cleaning of stainless steel mirrors Fusion Eng. Des., 88, (2013), 388-99, pdf. |
M. Wisse, B. Eren, L. Marot, R. Steiner, E. Meyer Spectroscopic reflectometry of mirror surfaces during plasma exposure Rev Sci Instrum., 83, (2012), 013509, pdf. |
B. Eren, L. Marot, M. Langer, R. Steiner, M. Wisse, D. Mathys, E. Meyer The effect of low temperature deuterium plasma on molybdenum reflectivity Nuclear Fusion, 51, (2011), 103025, pdf. |
B. Eren, L. Marot, A. Litnovsky, M. Matveeva, R. Steiner, V. Emberger, M. Wisse, D. Mathys, G. Covarel, E. Meyer Reflective metallic coatings for first mirrors on ITER Fusion Eng. Des., 86, (9-11), (2011), 2593-6, pdf. |
M. Wisse, N. J. Conway, J. F. G. McCone and D. G. Muir Measurements of plasma rotation in the MAST tokamak using high resolution charge-exchange spectroscopy , Vol.32D, (13 June 2008), (2008), 4, pdf. |