Basel Universität

Marco Wisse

PhD in Physics
office 3.01a
tel +41 (0)61 267 3720


Research interests

My main interest is in magnetic confinement fusion research, a field in which I have been working as an experimental phycisist for the last 9 years. My current research focuses on the development of laser ablation cleaning as a means of cleaning diagnostic mirrors in situ. Before that I was responsible for the development and operation of the charge-exchange recombination spectroscopy (CXRS) diagnostic at the Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak (MAST), the UK's national fusion experiment. This diagnostic is a tool that allows detailed measurements of ion temperature, plasma rotation speed and impurity density. MAST was the first tokamak to demonstrate supersonic rotation, reaching speeds of up to 350 km/s.


M. Wisse, L. Marot, R. Steiner, D. Mathys, A. Stumpp, M. Joanny, J. M. Travere, E. Meyer 
Pico- and nanosecond laser ablation of mixed tungsten / aluminium films 
Fusion Science and Technology, (2014), pdf.
M. Wisse, L. Marot, A. Widdowson, M. Rubel, D. Ivanova, P. Petersson, R.P. Doerner, M.J. Baldwin, J. Likonen, E. Alves, A. Hakola, S. Koivuranta, R. Steiner, E. Meyer 
Laser-assisted cleaning of beryllium-containing mirror samples from JET and PISCES-B 
Fusion Engineering and Design, 89, (2014), 122–130, pdf.
B. Eren, M. Wisse, L. Marot, R. Steiner, E. Meyer 
Deuterium plasma exposure on rhodium: Reflectivity monitoring and evidence of subsurface deuteride formation 
Appl. Surf. Sci, 273, (2013), 94-100, pdf.
B. Eren, L. Marot, M. Wisse, D. Mathys, M. Joanny, J-M. Travère, R. Steiner, E. Meyer 
In situ evaluation of the reflectivity of molybdenum and rhodium coatings in an ITER-like mixed environment 
J. Nucl. Mat., 438, (2013), S852-5, pdf.
B. Eren, L. Marot, I. V. Ryzhkov, S. Lindig, A. Houben, M. Wisse, O. O. Skoryk, M. Oberkofler, V. S. Voitsenya, Ch. Linsmeier, E. Meyer 
Roughening and reflection performance of molybdenum coatings exposed to a high-flux deuterium plasma 
Nuclear Fusion, 53, (113013), (2013), pdf.
M. Wisse, L. Marot, B. Eren, R. Steiner, D. Mathys, E. Meyer 
Laser damage thresholds of ITER mirror materials and first results on in situ laser cleaning of stainless steel mirrors 
Fusion Eng. Des., 88, (2013), 388-99, pdf.
M. Wisse, B. Eren, L. Marot, R. Steiner, E. Meyer 
Spectroscopic reflectometry of mirror surfaces during plasma exposure 
Rev Sci Instrum., 83, (2012), 013509, pdf.
B. Eren, L. Marot, M. Langer, R. Steiner, M. Wisse, D. Mathys, E. Meyer 
The effect of low temperature deuterium plasma on molybdenum reflectivity 
Nuclear Fusion, 51, (2011), 103025, pdf.
B. Eren, L. Marot, A. Litnovsky, M. Matveeva, R. Steiner, V. Emberger, M. Wisse, D. Mathys, G. Covarel, E. Meyer 
Reflective metallic coatings for first mirrors on ITER 
Fusion Eng. Des., 86, (9-11), (2011), 2593-6, pdf.
M. Wisse, N. J. Conway, J. F. G. McCone and D. G. Muir 
Measurements of plasma rotation in the MAST tokamak using high resolution charge-exchange spectroscopy 
Vol.32D, (13 June 2008), (2008), 4, pdf.