Basel Universität

Sascha Koch

PhD student
Diploma in Physics
office 3.02
tel +41 (0)61 267 3727


Research interests

NC-AFM, KPFM, STM, Molecular Eletronics


Th. Glatzel, R. Pawlak, S. Stehlik, S. Koch, and E. Meyer 
Scanning Probe Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Nanodiamonds and Graphene 
, (2015), pdf.
S. Koch, D. Stradi, E. Gnecco, S. Barja, S. Kawai, C. Díaz, M. Alcamí, F. Martín, A. L. V. de Parga, R. Miranda, Th. Glatzel, and E. Meyer 
Elastic Response of Graphene Nanodomes 
ACS Nano, 7, (4), (2013), 2927, pdf.
S. Kawai, Th. Glatzel, B. Such, S. Koch, A. Baratoff, and E. Meyer 
Energy dissipation in dynamic force microscopy on KBr(001) correlated with atomic-scale adhesion phenomena 
Phys. Rev. B, 86, (24), (2012), 245419, pdf.
S. Koch, M. Langer, S. Kawai, E. Meyer, Th. Glatzel 
Contrast inversion of the h-BN nanomesh investigated by nc-AFM and Kelvin probe force microscopy 
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter., 24, (31), (2012), 314212, pdf.
S. Koch, M. Langer, S. Kawai, E. Meyer and Th. Glatzel 
Contrast inversion of the h-BN nanomesh investigated by nc-AFM and Kelvin probe force microscopy 
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 24, (2012), 314212, pdf.
S. Kawai, Th. Glatzel, S. Koch, A. Baratoff, and E. Meyer 
Interaction-induced atomic displacements revealed by drift-corrected dynamic force spectroscopy 
Phys. Rev. B, 83, (3), (2011), 035421, pdf.
B. Such, Th. Glatzel, S. Kawai, S. Koch, and E. Meyer 
Three-dimensional force spectroscopy of KBr(001) by tuning fork-based cryogenic noncontact atomic force microscopy 
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 28, (3), (2010), C4B1, pdf.
L. Gross, R. R. Schlittler, G. Meyer, L.-A. Fendt, F. Diederich, Th. Glatzel, S. Kawai, S. Koch, and E. Meyer 
Contacting self-ordered molecular wires by nanostencil lithography 
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 28, (3), (2010), C4D34, pdf.
S. Kawai, Th. Glatzel, S. Koch, B. Such, A. Baratoff, and E. Meyer 
Ultrasensitive detection of lateral atomic-scale interactions on graphite (0001) via bimodal dynamic force measurements 
Phys. Rev. B, 81, (8), (2010), 085420, pdf.
S. Kawai, Th. Glatzel, S. Koch, B. Such, A. Baratoff, and E. Meyer 
Systematic Achievement of Improved Atomic-Scale Contrast via Bimodal Dynamic Force Microscopy 
Phys. Rev. Lett., 103, (2009), 220801, pdf.
S. Kawai, S. Maier, Th. Glatzel, S. Koch, B. Such, L. Zimmerli, L.-A. Fendt, F. Diederich, and E. Meyer 
Cutting and self-healing molecular wires studied by dynamic force microscopy 
Appl. Phys. Lett., 95, (2009), 103109, pdf.
S. Kawai, Th. Glatzel, S. Koch, B. Such, A. Baratoff, and E. Meyer 
Time-averaged cantilever deflection in dynamic force spectroscopy 
Phy. Rev. B, 80, (8), (2009), 085422, pdf.
T. Glatzel, L. Zimmerli, S. Koch, B. Such, S. Kawai and E. Meyer 
Determination of effective tip geometries in Kelvin probe force microscopy on thin insulating films on metals  
Nanotechnology, 20, (26), (2009), 264016, pdf.
Th. Glatzel, L. Zimmerli, S. Koch, S. Kawai, E. Meyer 
Molecular assemblies grown between metallic contacts on insulating surfaces 
Appl. Phys. Lett., 94, (2009), 3, pdf.