Publications - Papers | Talks | Posters | Theses/Reports
Kelvin probe force microscopy for material characterization Th. Glatzel, U. Gysin, and E. Meyer Microscopy, 71, (2022), i165-i173, pdf. |
Topographic signatures and manipulations of Fe atoms, CO molecules and NaCl islands on superconducting Pb(111) C. Drechsel, P. DAstolfo, J.-Ch. Liu, Th. Glatzel, R. Pawlak and E. Meyer Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 13, (2022), 1-9, pdf. |
2D KBr/Graphene Heterostructures - Influence on Work Function and Friction Z. Liu, A. Hinaut, S. Peeters, S. Scherb, E. Meyer, M.C. Righi, and Th. Glatzel Nanomaterials, 12, (6), (2022), 968, pdf. |
Observation of robust superlubricity of MoS2 on Au(111) in ultrahigh vacuum Y. Song; A. Hinaut; S. Scherb; Y. Pellmont; R. Pawlak; S. Huang; Z. Liu; Th. Glatzel, and E. Meyer Applied Surface Science, 601, (2022), 154230, pdf. |
Flexible Superlubricity Unveiled in Sidewinding Motion of Individual Polymeric Chains J.G. Vilhena, R. Pawlak, P. D Astolfo, X. Liu, E. Gnecco, M. Kisiel, T. Glatzel, R. Perez, R. Haner, S. Decurtins, A. Baratoff, G. Prampolini, S.-X. Liu, E. Meyer Phys. Rev. Lett., 128, (2022), 216102, pdf. |
Velocity Dependence of Moire Friction Y. Song, X. Gao, A. Hinaut, S. Scherb, S. Huang, Th. Glatzel, O. Hod, M. Urbakh, and E. Meyer Nano Lett., 22, (23), (2022), 9529-9536, pdf. |
Reconstruction of a 2D layer of KBr on Ir(111) and electromechanical alteration by graphene Z. Liu, A. Hinaut, S. Peeters, S. Scherb, E. Meyer, M.C. Righi and Th. Glatzel Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 12, (2021), 432-439, pdf. |
Morphological and Stoichiometric Optimization of Cu2O Thin Films by Deposition Conditions and Post-Growth Annealing M. Umar , M.Y. Swinkels , M. De Luca , C. Fasolato , L. Moser , G. Gadea , L. Marot , Th. Glatzel , and I. Zardo Thin Solid Films, (2021), pdf. |
Influence of electrospray deposition on C60 molecular assemblies A. Hinaut, S. Scherb, S. Freund, Z. Liu, Th. Glatzel and E. Meyer Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. , 12, (2021), 552-558, pdf. |
KPFM and DFT as tools to correlate the charge distribution and molecular orientation of dendritic adsorbates on different surfaces E.D.Farias, M.E. Zoloff Michoff, V. Sueldo Occello, V. Brunetti, M.C.G.Passeggi (Jr.), and Th. Glatzel Applied Surface Science, 565, (2021), 150552, pdf. |
Sequential Bending and Twisting around C-C Single Bonds by Mechanical Lifting of a Pre-Adsorbed Polymer R. Pawlak, J.G. Vilhena, P. D Astolfo, X. Liu, G. Prampolini, T. Meier, Th. Glatzel, J.A. Lemkul, R. Haner, S. Decurtins, A. Baratoff, R. Perez, S.-X. Liu, E. Meyer Nano Lett. , (20), (2020), 652-657, pdf. |
Low Friction at the Nanoscale of Hydrogenated Fullerene-Like Carbon Films Z. Liu, Y. Wang, Th. Glatzel, A. Hinaut, J. Zhang, and E. Meyer Coatings, 10, (7), (2020), 643, pdf. |
Atomic-scale investigations of ultralow friction on crystal surfaces in ultrahigh vacuum E. Gnecco, R. Pawlak, Th. Glatzel and E. Meyer. Chapter in "Superlubricity" book., (2020), 71-84, pdf. |
Giant thermal expansion of a two-dimensional supramolecular network triggered by alkyl chain motion S. Scherb, A. Hinaut, R. Pawlak, J. G. Vilhena, Y. Liu, S. Freund, Z. Liu, X. Feng, K. Müllen, Th. Glatzel, A. Narita, and E. Meyer Commun. Mater., 1, (2020), 8, pdf. |
Conformations and cryo-force spectroscopy of spray-deposited single-strand DNA on gold R. Pawlak, J.G. Vilhena, A. Hinaut, T. Meier, Thilo Glatzel, A. Baratoff, E. Gnecco, R. Pérez, E. Meyer Nat. Comm., (10), (2019), 685, pdf. |
Comparing a porphyrin- and a coumarin-based dye adsorbed on NiO(001) S. Freund, A. Hinaut, N. Marinakis, E.C. Constable, E. Meyer, C.E. Housecroft and Th. Glatzel Beilstein J. Nanotechnol., 10, (2019), 874-881, pdf. |
Altering the Properties of Graphene on Cu(111) by Intercalation of Potassium Bromide M. Schulzendorf, A. Hinaut, M. Kisiel, R. Jöhr, R. Pawlak, P. Restuccia, E. Meyer, M. Clelia Righi, Th. Glatzel ACS Nano, 13, (2019), 5485-5492, pdf. |
Atomic Friction: Anisotropy and Asymmetry Effects G. Fessler, A. Sadeghi, Th. Glatzel, S. Goedecker, and E. Meyer Tribology Letters, 67, (2), (2019), 59, pdf. |
Stretching DNA using cryo-force spectroscopy R. Pawlak, J.G. Vilhena, T. Glatzel, E. Meyer Imaging & Microscopy, 2, (2019), 32-34, pdf. |
Initial Stage of para-Hexaphenyl Thin-Film Growth Controlled by the Step Structure of the Ion-Beam-Modified TiO2(110) Surface K. Szajna, M. Kratzer, W. Belza, A. Hinaut, D. Wrana, Th. Glatzel, C. Teichert, and F. Krok J. Phys. Chem. C, 123, (33), (2019), 20257-20269, pdf. |
Controlled switching of a single CuPc molecule on Cu(111) at low temperature S. Fremy-Koch, A. Sadeghi, R. Pawlak, S. Kawai, A. Baratoff, S. Goedecker, E. Meyer, and Th. Glatzel Phys. Rev. B, 100, (2019), 155427, pdf. |
Electrospray deposition of structurally complex molecules revealed by atomic force microscopy A.Hinaut, T. Meier, R. Pawlak, S. Feund, R. Jöhr, S. Kawai, T. Glatzel, S. Decurtins, K. Müllen, A. Narita, S.-X. Liu, E. Meyer Nanoscale, 10, (3), (2018), 1337-1344, pdf. |
Anchoring of a dye precursor on NiO(001) studied by non-contact atomic force microscopy S. Freund, A. Hinaut, N. Marinakis, E. C. Constable, E. Meyer, C. E. Housecroft and Th. Glatzel Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 9, (2018), 242-249, pdf. |
Silicon-Vacancy Centers in Ultra-Thin Nanocrystalline Diamond Film S. Stehlik, L. Ondic, M. Varga, J. Fait, A. Artemenko, Th. Glatzel, A. Kromka and B. Rezek Micromachines, 9, (6), (2018), 281, pdf. |
Recent highlights in nanoscale and mesoscale friction A. Vanossi,D. Dietzel, A. Schirmeisen,E. Meyer, R. Pawlak,Th. Glatzel, M. Kisiel, S. Kawai, N. Manini N. Beilstein J. Nanotechnol., 9, (2018), 1995-2014, pdf. |
A Two Dimensional Polymer Synthesized at the Air/Water Interface V. Müller, A. Hinaut, M. Moradi, M. Baljozovic, T. Jung, P. Shahgaldian, H. Möhwald, G. Hofer, M. Kröger, B. King, E. Meyer, Th. Glatzel, and A. Dieter Schlüter Angewandte Chemie, 130, (33), (2018), 10744-10748, pdf. |
Transoid-to-Cisoid Conformation Changes of Single Molecules on Surfaces Triggered by Metal Coordination S. Freund, R. Pawlak, L. Moser, A. Hinaut, R. Steiner, N. Marinakis, E. C. Constable, E. Meyer, C.E. Housecroft, Th. Glatzel ACS Omega, 3, (10), (2018), 12851-12856, pdf. |
Nanostructuring of an alkali halide surface by low temperature plasma exposure A. Hinaut, B. Eren, R. Steiner, S. Freund, R. Jöhr, Th. Glatzel, L. Marot, E. Meyer and S. Kawai Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19, (24), (2017), 16251-16256, pdf. |
Surface science at the PEARL beamline of the Swiss Light Source M. Muntwiler, J. Zhang, R. Stania, F. Matsui, P. Oberta, U. Flechsig, L. Patthey, C. Quitmann, Th. Glatzel, R. Widmer, E. Meyer, T. A. Jung, P. Aebi, R. Fasel and T. Greber Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 24, (2017), 354-366, pdf. |
Single-molecule manipulation experiments to explore friction and adhesion R. Pawlak, S. Kawai, T. Meier, Th. Glatzel, A. Baratoff, E. Meyer J. Phys. D : App. Phys., (50), (2017), 113003 , pdf. |
Hydroxyl-Induced Partial Charge States of Single Porphyrins on Titania Rutile R. Pawlak, A. Sadeghi, R. Jöhr, A. Hinaut, T. Meier, S. Kawai, L. Zajac, P. Olszowski, S. Godlewski, B. Such, Th. Glatzel, S. Goedecker, M. Szymonski, E. Meyer J. Phys. Chem. C, (121), (2017), 3607-3614, pdf. |
Atomic scale friction phenomena E. Gnecco, R. Pawlak, M. Kisiel, T. Glatzel and E. Meyer "Handbook of Nanotechnology", (Springer), (2017), 519-548, pdf. |
Thermally induced anchoring of a zinc-carboxyphenylporphyrin on rutile TiO2 (110) R. Jôhr, A. Hinaut, R. Pawlak, L. Zajac, P. Olszowski, B. Such, Th. Glatzel, J. Zhang, M. Muntwiler, J. J. Bergkamp, L.-M. Mateo, S. Decurtins, S.-X. Liu, and E. Meyer The Journal of Chemical Physics, 146, (18), (2017), 184704, pdf. |
Donor-Acceptor Properties of a Single-Molecule Altered by On-Surface Complex Formation T. Meier, R. Pawlak, S. Kawai, Y. Geng, X. Liu, S. Decurtins, P. Hapala, A. Baratoff, S.-X. Liu, P. Jelinek, E. Meyer and Th. Glatzel ACS Nano, 11, (2017), 8413â8420, pdf. |
Design and Characterization of an Electrically Powered Single Molecule on Gold R. Pawlak , T. Meier, N. Renaud, M. Kisiel, A. Hinaut, T. Glatzel, D. Sordes, C. Durand, W.-H. Soe, A. Baratoff, C. Joachim, C. E. Housecroft, E. C. Constable , Ernst Meyer ACS Nano, (11), (2017), 9930-9940, pdf. |
Atomic Scale Friction Phenomena E. Gnecco, R. Pawlak, M. Kisiel, T. Glatzel, E. Meyer In: Bhushan B. (eds) Nanotribology and Nanomechanics. Spring, (2017), 519-548, pdf. |
Ordering of Zn-centered porphyrin and phthalocyanine on TiO2 (011): STM studies P. Olszowski, L. Zajac, S. Godlewski, B. Such, R. Pawlak, A. Hinaut, R. Johr, T. Glatzel, E. Meyer, M. Szymonski Beilstein J. of Nanotechnol., 8, (2017), 99, pdf. |
Probing Atomic Structure and Majorana Wavefunctions in Mono-Atomic Fe-chains on Superconducting Pb-Surface R. Pawlak, M. Kisiel, J. Klinovaja, T. Meier, S. Kawai, Th. Glatzel, D. Loss, E. Meyer npj Quantum Info, 2, (2016), 16035, pdf. |
Water interaction with hydrogenated and oxidized detonation nanodiamonds â Microscopic and spectroscopic analyses S. Stehlik, Th. Glatzel, V. Pichot, R. Pawlak, E. Meyer, D. Spitzer, and B. Rezek Diamond and Related Materials, 63, (2016), 97-102, pdf. |
Single Molecule Tribology: Force Microscopy Manipulation of a Porphyrin Derivative on a Copper Surface R. Pawlak, W. Ouyang, A. E. Filippov, L. Kalikhman-Razvozov, S. Kawai, T. Glatzel, E. Gnecco, A. Baratoff , Q.-S. Zheng, O. Hod, M. Urbakh, E. Meyer ACS Nano, 10, (2016), 713-722, pdf. |
Work function of few layer graphene covered nickel thin films measured with Kelvin probe force microscopy B. Eren, U. Gysin, L. Marot, Th. Glatzel, R. Steiner, E. Meyer Appl. Phys. Lett, 108, (2016), 041602, pdf. |
Dopant imaging of power semiconductor device cross sections U.Gysin, E.Meyer, Th.Glatzel, G.Günzburger, H.R.Rossmann, T.A.Jung, S.Reshanov, A.Schöner, H.Bartolf Microelectronic Engineering, 160, (2016), 18-21, pdf. |
Self-assembling of Zn porphyrins on a (110) face of rutile ce{TiO2} - The anchoring role of carboxyl groups L. Zajac, P. Olszowski, S. Godlewski, L. Bodek, B. Such, R. Jöhr, R. Pawlak, A. Hinaut, Th. Glatzel, E. Meyer, and M. Szymonski Applied Surface Science, 379, (2016), 277-281 , pdf. |
Junction Barrier Schottky (JBS) Rectifier Interface Engineering Facilitated by Two-Dimensional (2D) Dopant Imaging H.R. Rossmann, U. Gysin, A. Bubendorf, T. Glatzel, S.A. Reshanov, A. Zhang, A. Schöner, T.A. Jung, E. Meyer and H. Bartolf Materials Science Forum, 858, (2016), 497-500, pdf. |
Advanced atomic force microscopy techniques III Th. Glatzel and T. Schimmel Beilstein J. Nanotechnol., 7, (2016), 1052-1054, pdf. |
Morphology Change of C60 Islands on Organic Crystals Observed by Atomic Force Microscopy S. Freund, A. Hinaut, R. Pawlak, S.-X. Liu, S. Decurtins, E. Meyer and Th. Glatzel ACS Nano, 10, (6), (2016), 5782â5788, pdf. |
Modular synthesis of simple cycloruthenated complexes with state-of-the-art performance in p-type DSCs F. Brunner, N. Marinakis, C. Wobill, M. Willgert, C. D. Ertl, T. Kosmalski, M. Neuburger, B. Bozic-Weber, Th. Glatzel, E. C. Constable, and C. E. Housecroft J. Mater. Chem. C, 4, (2016), 9823-9833, pdf. |
Nanoanalytics for materials science Th. Glatzel and T. Wirtz Beilstein J. Nanotechnol., 7, (2016), 1674-1675, pdf. |
Scanning probe microscopy studies on the adsorption of selected molecular dyes on titania J. S. Prauzner-Bechcicki, L. Zajac, P. Olszowski, R. Jöhr, A. Hinaut, T. Glatzel, B. Such, E. Meyer, and M. Szymonski Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 7, (2016), 1642-1653, pdf. |
Transformations of PTCDA structures on rutile TiO2 induced by thermal annealing and intermolecular forces S. Godlewski and J. S. Prauzner-Bechcicki and Th. Glatzel and E. Meyer and M. Szymoński Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 6, (2015), 1498, pdf. |
R. Pawlak, S. Kawai, Th. Glatzel, and E. Meyer Edited by Springer Japan, vol. 3, (Chap. 11), (2015), 195-222, pdf. |
Two-Dimensional Carrier Profiling on Lightly Doped n-type 4H-SiC Epitaxially Grown Layers H. Rossmann, U. Gysin, A. Bubendorf, Th. Glatzel, S. Reshanov, A. Schöner, T. Jung, E. Meyer and H. Bartolf Material Science Forum, 821-823, (2015), 269-272, pdf. |
Improving the Design of the Shield for the Electric Field in SiC-Based Schottky-Rectifiers and Ion-Implantation Cascades by SPM Dopant-Imaging H. Bartolf, U. Gysin, Th. Glatzel, H. Rossmann, T. Jung, S. Reshanov, A. Schöner and E. Meyer Microelectronic Engineering, 148, (2015), 1-4, pdf. |
Chain-like structure elements in Ni40Ta60 metallic glasses observed by scanning tunneling microscopy R. Pawlak, L. Marot, A. Sadeghi, S. Kawai, Th. Glatzel, P. Reimann, S. Goedecker, H.-J. Güntherodt, E. Meyer Sci. Rep., 5, (2015), 13143, pdf. |
Characterization of individual molecular adsorption geometries by atomic force microscopy: Cu-TCPP on rutile TiO2 (110) R. Jöhr, A. Hinaut, R. Pawlak, A. Sadeghi, S. Saha, S. Goedecker, B. Such, M. Szymonski, E. Meyer, and Th. Glatzel Journal of Chemical Physics, 143, (9), (2015), 094202, pdf. |
Role of a Carboxyl Group in the Adsorption of Zn Porphyrins on TiO2(011)-2Ã1 Surface P. Olszowski, L. Zając, S. Godlewski, B. Such, R. Jöhr, Th. Glatzel, E. Meyer, and M. Szymonski Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119, (37), (2015), 21561-21566, pdf. |
Electrospray deposition of organic molecules on bulk insulator surfaces A. Hinaut, R. Pawlak, E. Meyer and Th. Glatzel Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 6, (2015), 1927â1934, pdf. |
Development of Power Semiconductors by Quantitative Nanoscale Dopant Imaging H. Bartolf, U. Gysin, H. Rossmann, A. Bubendorf, Th. Glatzel, T. Jung, E. Meyer, M. Zimmermann, S. Reshanov and A. Schoner IEEE 27th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Dev, (2015), 281-284, pdf. |
Impact of photocatalysis on carotenoic acid dye-sensitized solar cells R. Jöhr, L. Zajac, G. Günzburger, H. Hug, B. Such, M. Szymonski, E. Meyer and Th. Glatzel Hybrid Materials, 2, (1), (2015), 17-24, pdf. |
"Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Single Molecules" in Imaging and Manipulation of Adsorbates Using Dynamic Force Microscopy (Eds. P. Moriarty and S. Gauthier) Th. Glatzel Springer, (Chap. 2), (2015), 25-47, pdf. |
Large area scanning probe microscope in ultra-high vacuum demonstrated for electrostatic force measurements on high-voltage devices U. Gysin, Th. Glatzel, Th. Schmölzer, A. Schöner, S. Reshanov, H. Bartolf and E. Meyer Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 6, (2015), 2485-2497, pdf. |
Ordered heteromolecular overlayers formed by metal phthalocyanines and porphyrines on rutile titanium dioxide surface studied at room temperature L. Zajac, P. Olszowski, S. Godlewski, B. Such, R. Jöhr, R. Pawlak, A. Hinaut, Th. Glatzel, E. Meyer and M. Szymonski The Journal of Chemical Physics C, 143, (2015), 224702 , pdf. |
Correction to Obtaining Detailed Structural Information about Supramolecular Systems on Surfaces by Combining High-Resolution Force Microscopy with ab Initio Calculations S. Kawai, A. Sadeghi, F. Xu, L. Peng, R. Pawlak, T. Glatzel, A. Willand, A. Orita, J. Otera, S. Goedecker, and E. Meyer ACS Nano, 8, (3), (2014), 3099, pdf. |
Friction force microscopy studies on SiO2 supported pristine and hydrogenated graphene G. Fessler, B. Eren, U. Gysin, Th. Glatzel, and E. Meyer Appl. Phys. Lett., 104, (4), (2014), 041910, pdf. |
Hydrogen-induced buckling of gold films B. Eren, L. Marot, G. Guenzburger, P-O. Renault, T. Glatzel, R. Steiner, E. Meyer Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 47, (2014), 025302, pdf. |
Biophotovoltaics: Natural pigments in dye-sensitized solar cells H. Hug, M. Bader, P. Mair, and Th. Glatzel Applied Energy , 115, (2014), 216 - 225, pdf. |
Quantifying the atomic-level mechanics of single long physisorbed molecular chains S. Kawai, M. Koch, E. Gnecco, A. Sadeghi, R. Pawlak, Th. Glatzel, J. Schwarz, S. Goedecker, S. Hecht, A. Baratoff, L. Grill, and E. Meyer Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 111, (11), (2014), 3968â3972, pdf. |
Advanced atomic force microscopy techniques II Th. Glatzel, R. Garcia, and T. Schimmel Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 5, (2014), 2326, pdf. |
Using Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy to Examine Copper(I) Sensitizers for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells C. J. Martin, B. Bozic-Weber, E. C. Constable, Th. Glatzel, C. E. Housecroft and I. A. Wright J. Phys. Chem. C, 118, (2014), 16912-16918, pdf. |
Development of scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) techniques for the optimization of dye sensitized solar cells C. J. Martin, B. Bozic-Weber, E. C. Constable, Th. Glatzel, C. E. Housecroft and I. A. Wright Electrochimica Acta, 119, (2014), 86-91, pdf. |
Kelvin probe force microscopy of nanocrystalline TiO2 photoelectrodes A. Henning, G. Guenzburger, R. Jöhr, Y. Rosenwaks, B. Bozic-Weber, C. E Housecroft, E. C Constable, Th. Glatzel, E. Meyer Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 4, (2013), (2013), 418-428, pdf. |
Local Detection of Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in a Nanodiamond Monolayer R. Pawlak, Th. Glatzel, V. Pichot, L. Schmidlin, S. Kawai,S. Fremy, D. Spitzer, E. Meyer Nano Lett., 13, (2013), 5803-5807, pdf. |
Hydrogen plasma microlithography of graphene supported on a Si/SiO2 substrate B. Eren, Th. Glatzel, M. Kisiel, W. Fu, R. Pawlak, U. Gysin, C. Nef, L. Marot, M. Calame, Ch. Schönenberger, E. Meyer Appl. Phys. Lett., 102, (2013), 071602, pdf. |
Systematic study of the dolomite (104) surface by bimodal dynamic force microscopy in ultra-high vacuum S. Kawai, C. M Pina, A. Bubendorf, G. Fessler, T. Glatzel, E. Gnecco and E. Meyer Nanotechnology, 24, (5), (2013), 055702, pdf. |
Obtaining Detailed Structural Information about Supramolecular Systems on Surfaces by Combining High-Resolution Force Microscopy with ab initio Calculations S. Kawai, A. Sadeghi, X. Feng, P. Lifen, R. Pawlak, T. Glatzel, A. Willand, A. Orita, J. Otera, S. Goedecker, and E. Meyer ACS Nano, 7, (10), (2013), 9098, pdf. |
Energy Loss Triggered by Atomic-Scale Lateral Force F. Federici Canova, S. Kawai, C. de Capitani, K. Kanâno, Th. Glatzel, B. Such, A. S. Foster, and E. Meyer Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, (20), (2013), 203203, pdf. |
Elastic Response of Graphene Nanodomes S. Koch, D. Stradi, E. Gnecco, S. Barja, S. Kawai, C. DÃaz, M. AlcamÃ, F. MartÃn, A. L. V. de Parga, R. Miranda, Th. Glatzel, and E. Meyer ACS Nano, 7, (4), (2013), 2927, pdf. |
Combined SIMS-SPM instrument for high sensitivity and high-resolution elemental 3D analysis T. Wirtz, Y. Fleming, U. Gysin, Th. Glatzel, U. Wegmann, E. Meyer, U. Maier and J. Rychen Surface and Interface Analysis, 45, (2013), 513, pdf. |
Advanced atomic force microscopy techniques Th. Glatzel, H. Hölscher, Th. Schimmel, M.Z. Baykara, U.D. Schwarz and R. Garcia Beilstein J. Nanotechnol., 3, (2012), 893â894, pdf. |
Energy dissipation in dynamic force microscopy on KBr(001) correlated with atomic-scale adhesion phenomena S. Kawai, Th. Glatzel, B. Such, S. Koch, A. Baratoff, and E. Meyer Phys. Rev. B, 86, (24), (2012), 245419, pdf. |
Two-dimensional nanodiamond monolayers deposited by combined ultracentrifugation and electrophoresis techniques L. Schmidlin, V. Pichot, S. Josset, R. Pawlak, T. Glatzel, S. Kawai, E. Meyer, and D. Spitzer Appl. Phys. Lett., 101, (2012), 253111, pdf. |
Contrast inversion of the h-BN nanomesh investigated by nc-AFM and Kelvin probe force microscopy S. Koch, M. Langer, S. Kawai, E. Meyer, Th. Glatzel J. Phys.: Condens. Matter., 24, (31), (2012), 314212, pdf. |
Directed rotations of single porphyrin molecules controlled by localized force spectroscopy R. Pawlak, S. Fremy, S. Kawai, T. Glatzel, H. Fang, L.-A. Fendt, F. Diederich, and E. Meyer ACS Nano, 6, (2012), 6318â6324, pdf. |
Rapid reconstruction of a strong nonlinear property by a multiple lock-in technique S. Kawai, S. Hafizovic, Th. Glatzel, A. Baratoff, and E. Meyer Phys. Rev. B, 85, (16), (2012), 165426, pdf. |
High-resolution imaging of C60 molecules using tuning-fork-based non-contact atomic force microscopy R. Pawlak, S. Kawai, S. Fremy, T. Glatzel and E. Meyer J. Phys.: Cond. Matter, (24), (2012), 084005, pdf. |
Three-dimensional dynamic force spectroscopy measurements on KBr(001): atomic deformations at small tip-sample separations S. Fremy, S. Kawai, R. Pawlak, Th. Glatzel, A. Baratoff and E. Meyer Nanotechnology, 23, (2012), 055401, pdf. |
Interplay of the tip-sample junction stability and image contrast reversal on a Cu(111) surface revealed by the 3D force field B. Such, T. Glatzel, S. Kawai, E. Meyer, R. Turansky, J. Brndiar and I. Stich Nanotechnology, 23, (2012), 045705, pdf. |
Measuring Electric Field Induced Subpicometer Displacement of Step Edge Ions S. Kawai, F. Federici Canova, Th. Glatzel, T. Hynninen, E. Meyer, and A. S. Foster Phys. Rev. Lett., 109, (14), (2012), 146101, pdf. |
Contrast inversion of the h-BN nanomesh investigated by nc-AFM and Kelvin probe force microscopy S. Koch, M. Langer, S. Kawai, E. Meyer and Th. Glatzel Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 24, (2012), 314212, pdf. |
Multiscale approach for simulations of Kelvin probe force microscopy with atomic resolution A. Sadeghi, A. Baratoff, S. A. Ghasemi, S. Goedecker, Th. Glatzel, S. Kawai and E. Meyer Phys. Rev. B, 86, (2012), 075407, pdf. |
Design and performance of a combined secondary ion mass spectrometry-scanning probe microscopy instrument for high sensitivity and high-resolution elemental three-dimensional analysis T. Wirtz, Y. Fleming, M. Gerard, U. Gysin, Th. Glatzel, E. Meyer, U. Wegmann, U. Maier, A. H. Odriozola and D. Uehli Rev. Sci. Instrum., 83, (2012), 063702, pdf. |
Combined SIMS-SPM Instrument For High Sensitivity And High Resolution Elemental 3D Analysis T. Wirtz, Y. Fleming, U. Gysin, Th. Glatzel, E. Meyer, U. Maier and U. Wegmann Microscopy and Microanalysis, 18, (2012), 888-889, pdf. |
Atomic-scale mechanical properties of orientated C60 molecules revealed by noncontact atomic force microscopy R. Pawlak, S. Kawai, S. Fremy, T. Glatzel and E. Meyer ACS Nano, 5, (8), (2011), :6349-54, pdf. |
The role of the cantilever in Kelvin probe force microscopy measurements G. Elias, T. Glatzel, E. Meyer, A. Schwarzman, A. Boag and Y. Rosenwaks Beilstein J. Nanotechnol., 2, (2011), 252, pdf. |
Three dimensional imaging using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry and Atomic Force Microscopy Y. Fleming, T. Wirtz, U. Gysin, T. Glatzel, U. Wegmann, E. Meyer, U. Maier and J. Rychen Appl.Surf. Sci., 258, (4), (2011), 1322, pdf. |
Systematic measurement of pentacene assembled on Cu(111) by bimodal dynamic force microscopy at room temperature S. Kawai, R. Pawlak, Th. Glatzel, and E. Meyer Phys. Rev. B, 84, (8), (2011), 085429, pdf. |
Atomic-scale dissipation processes in dynamic force spectroscopy S. Kawai, F. Federici Canova, Th. Glatzel, A. S. Foster, and E. Meyer Phys. Rev. B, 84, (11), (2011), 115415, pdf. |
Organic Molecules Reconstruct Nanostructures on Ionic Surfaces T. Trevethan, B. Such, T. Glatzel, S. Kawai, A. L. Shluger, E. Meyer, P. de Mendoza, and A. M. Echavarren Small, 7, (9), (2011), 1264, pdf. |
Orientation dependent molecular friction on organic layer compound crystals G. Fessler, I. Zimmermann, Th. Glatzel, E. Gnecco, P. Steiner, R. Roth, T. D. Keene, S.-X. Liu, S. Decurtins, and E. Meyer Appl. Phys. Lett., 98, (8), (2011), 083119, pdf. |
Interaction-induced atomic displacements revealed by drift-corrected dynamic force spectroscopy S. Kawai, Th. Glatzel, S. Koch, A. Baratoff, and E. Meyer Phys. Rev. B, 83, (3), (2011), 035421, pdf. |
Oriented growth of porphyrin-based molecular wires on ionic crystals analysed by nc-AFM Th. Glatzel, L. Zimmerli, S. Kawai, E. Meyer, L.-A. Fendt and F. Diederich Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2, 34-39, (2011)., 2, (2011), 34-39, pdf. |
Multiple Slips in Atomic-Scale Friction: An Indicator for the Lateral Contact Damping R. Roth, Th. Glatzel, P. Steiner, E. Gnecco, A. Baratoff, E. Meyer Tribology Letters, 39, (1), (2010), 63, pdf. |
Functionalized Truxenes: Adsorption and Diffusion of Single Molecules on the KBr(001) Surface B. Such, T. Trevethan, Th. Glatzel, S. Kawai, L. Zimmerli, E. Meyer, A. L. Shluger, C. H. M. Amijs, P. de Mendoza, and A. M. Echavarren ACS Nano, 4, (6), (2010), 3429, pdf. |
Three-dimensional force spectroscopy of KBr(001) by tuning fork-based cryogenic noncontact atomic force microscopy B. Such, Th. Glatzel, S. Kawai, S. Koch, and E. Meyer J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 28, (3), (2010), C4B1, pdf. |
Contacting self-ordered molecular wires by nanostencil lithography L. Gross, R. R. Schlittler, G. Meyer, L.-A. Fendt, F. Diederich, Th. Glatzel, S. Kawai, S. Koch, and E. Meyer J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 28, (3), (2010), C4D34, pdf. |
Atomic contact potential variations of Si(111)-7 Ã 7 analyzed by Kelvin probe force microscopy S. Kawai, Th. Glatzel, H.-J. Hug, and E. Meyer Nanotechnology, 21, (24), (2010), 245704, pdf. |
Ultrasensitive detection of lateral atomic-scale interactions on graphite (0001) via bimodal dynamic force measurements S. Kawai, Th. Glatzel, S. Koch, B. Such, A. Baratoff, and E. Meyer Phys. Rev. B, 81, (8), (2010), 085420, pdf. |
Systematic Achievement of Improved Atomic-Scale Contrast via Bimodal Dynamic Force Microscopy S. Kawai, Th. Glatzel, S. Koch, B. Such, A. Baratoff, and E. Meyer Phys. Rev. Lett., 103, (2009), 220801, pdf. |
Modulation of contact resonance frequency accompanying atomic-scale stick-slip in friction microscopy P. Steiner, R. Roth, E. Gnecco, Th. Glatzel, A. Baratoff and E. Meyer Nanotechnology, 20, (495701), (2009), 6, pdf. |
Cutting and self-healing molecular wires studied by dynamic force microscopy S. Kawai, S. Maier, Th. Glatzel, S. Koch, B. Such, L. Zimmerli, L.-A. Fendt, F. Diederich, and E. Meyer Appl. Phys. Lett., 95, (2009), 103109, pdf. |
Time-averaged cantilever deflection in dynamic force spectroscopy S. Kawai, Th. Glatzel, S. Koch, B. Such, A. Baratoff, and E. Meyer Phy. Rev. B, 80, (8), (2009), 085422, pdf. |
Novel Probes for Molecular Electronics E. Meyer and T. Glatzel Science, 324, (5933), (2009), 1397-1398, pdf. |
On the relevance of the atomic-scale contact potential difference by amplitude-modulation and frequency-modulation Kelvin probe force microscopy L. Nony, F. Bocquet, C. Loppacher and T. Glatzel Nanotechnology, 20, (26), (2009), 264014, pdf. |
Determination of effective tip geometries in Kelvin probe force microscopy on thin insulating films on metals T. Glatzel, L. Zimmerli, S. Koch, B. Such, S. Kawai and E. Meyer Nanotechnology, 20, (26), (2009), 264016, pdf. |
Molecular assemblies grown between metallic contacts on insulating surfaces Th. Glatzel, L. Zimmerli, S. Koch, S. Kawai, E. Meyer Appl. Phys. Lett., 94, (2009), 3, pdf. |
Two-dimensional simulation of superlubricity on NaCl and highly oriented pyrolytic graphite P. Steiner, R. Roth, E. Gnecco, A. Baratoff, S. Maier, Th. Glatzel, and E. Meyer Phys. Rev. B, 79, (2009), 045414, pdf. |
Dynamic superlubricity on insulating and conductive surfaces in ultra-high vacuum and ambient environment E. Gnecco, A. Socoliuc, S. Maier, J. Gessler, Th. Glatzel, A. Baratoff and E. Meyer Nanotechnology, 20, (2009), 025501, pdf. |
Molecular assemblies on insulating ultrathin films analyzed by nc-AFM and KPFM Th. Glatzel, L. Zimmerli, and E. Meyer Israel Journal of Chemistry, 48, (2), (2008), 107-116, pdf. |
Analytical approach to the local contact potential difference on (001) ionic surfaces: Implications for Kelvin probe force microscopy F. Bocquet and L. Nony and Ch. Loppacher and Th. Glatzel Phys. Rev. B, 78, (2008), 035410, pdf. |
Surface photovoltage analysis of thin CdS layers on polycrystalline chalcopyrite absorber layers by Kelvin probe force microscopy Th. Glatzel, M. Rusu, S. Sadewasser, and M.Ch. Lux-Steiner Nanotechnology, 19, (2008), 145705, pdf. |
Nanoscale Engineering of Molecular Porphyrin Wires on Insulating Surfaces Sabine Maier, Leslie-Anne Fendt, Lars Zimmerli, Thilo Glatzel, Oliver Pfeiffer, Franc¸ois Diederich, and Ernst Meyer Small, 4, (8), (2008), 1115, pdf. |
Atomic Scale Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy Studies of the Surface Potential Variations on the TiO2(110) Surface G.H. Enevoldsen, T. Glatzel, M.C. Christensen, J.V. Lauritsen, and F. Besenbacher Phys. Rev. Lett., 100, (2008), 236104, pdf. |
Characterization of nanoparticles using Atomic Force Microscopy A. Rao, M. Schoenenberger, E. Gnecco, Th. Glatzel, E. Meyer, D. Brändlin and L. Scandella J. Phys.: Conf. Series, 61, (2007), 971â976, pdf. |
Asymmetry in the reciprocal epitaxy of NaCl and KBr S. Maier, O. Pfeiffer, Th. Glatzel, E. Meyer, T. Filleter, and R. Bennewitz Phys. Rev. B, 75, (2007), 195408. |
Formation of molecular wires on nanostructured KBr L. Zimmerli, S. Maier, Th. Glatzel, E. Gnecco, O. Pfeiffer, F. Diederich, L. Fendt and E. Meyer J. Phys.: Conf. Series, 61, (2007), 1357-1360, pdf. |
Comment on ââElectrostatic Force Microscopy on Oriented Graphite Surfaces: Coexistence of Insulating and Conducting Behaviorsâ S. Sadewasser and Th. Glatzel Phys. Rev. Lett., 98, (2007), 269701, pdf. |
Formation of the PVD-CdS/Cu(In,Ga)Se2 interface in highly-efficient thin film solar cells M. Rusu, Th. Glatzel, A. Neisser, C. A. Kaufmann, S. Sadewasser, and M. Ch. Lux-Steiner Appl. Phys. Lett., 88, (2006), 143510 , pdf. |
Interface Engineering in Chalcopyrite Thin Film Solar Devices Ch.-H. Fischer, M. Bär, Th. Glatzel, I. Lauermann and M.C. Lux-Steiner Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 90, (10), (2006), 1471-1485, pdf. |
Texture and Electronic Activity of Grain Boundaries in Polycrystalline Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Thin Films G. Hanna, Th. Glatzel, S. Sadewasser, N. Ott, H. P. Strunk, U. Rau, J.H. Werner Appl. Phys. A, 82, (2006), 1-7 , pdf. |
Potential Distribution of Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 - Solar Cell Cross-Sections Measured by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy Th. Glatzel, H. Steigert, S. Sadewasser, R. Klenk, and M.Ch. Lux-Steiner Thin Solid Films, 480-481, (2005), 177-182, pdf. |
Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy Study on Bulk Heterojunction Conjugated Polymer/Fullerene Organic Solar Cells H. Hoppe, T. Glatzel, M. Niggeman, M. Ch. Lux-Steiner, N. S. Sariciftci Nano Letters, 5, (2), (2005), 269-274, pdf. |
Nanoscale potential distribution across multiquantum well structures: Kelvin probe force microscopy and secondary electron imaging A. Schwarzman, E. Grunbaum, E. Strassburg, E. Lepkifker, A. Boag, Y. Rosenwaks, Th. Glatzel, Z. Barkay, M. Mazzer and K. Barnham J. Appl. Phys., 98 , (2005), 084310 , pdf. |
Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy Study on Conjugated Polymer/Fullerene Organic Solar Cells Thilo Glatzel, Harald Hoppe, Niyazi S. Sariciftci, Martha Ch. Lux-Steiner, Masaharu Komiyama Jap. J. Appl. Phys., 44, (7B), (2005), 5370â5373, pdf. |
Lift-off process and rear-side characterization of CuGaSe2 chalcopyrite thin films and solar cells D. Fuertes Marrón, A. Meeder, S. Sadewasser, R. Würz, C.A. Kaufmann, Th. Glatzel, Th. Schedel-Niedrig, and M. Ch. Lux-Steiner J. Appl. Phys., 97 , (2005), 094915 , pdf. |
Electrical activity at grain boundaries of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin films D. Fuertes Marrón, S. Sadewasser, A. Meeder, Th. Glatzel, and M.Ch. Lux-Steiner Phys Rev. B, 17, (2), (2005), 033306 , pdf. |
Characterization of quantum wells by cross-sectional Kelvin probe force microscopy O. Douhéret, S. Anand, Th. Glatzel, K. Maknys, and S. Sadewasser Appl. Phys. Lett., 85, (2004), 5245-5247, pdf. |
Electronic structure of secondary phases in Cu-rich CuGaSe2 solar cell devices D. Fuertes Marrón, Th. Glatzel, A. Meeder, Th. Schedel-Niedrig, S. Sadewasser, and M.Ch. Lux-Steiner Appl. Phys. Lett., 85, (17), (2004), 3755-3757 , pdf. |
Kelvin probe force microscopy of semiconductor surface defects Y.Rosenwaks, R. Shikler, Th. Glatzel and S. Sadewasser Phys. Rev. B, 70, (2004), 085320 , pdf. |
Assessing the performance of two dimensional dopant profiling techniques N. Duhayon, P.Eyben, M. Fouchier, T. Clarysse, W. Vandervorst, D.Alvarez, S. Schoemann, M.Ciappa, M. Stangoni, P. Formanek, V. Raineri, F. Giannazzo, D. Goghero, Y. Rosenwaks, R. Shikler, S. Saraf, S. Sadewasser, N. Barreau, T. Glatzel, M. Verheijen, S.A.M. Mentink, R. Wiesendanger, M. Von Sprekselen, T. Maltezopoulos, L. Hellemans J. of Vac. Sci Technol. B, 22, (1), (2003), 385 , pdf. |
Amplitude or Frequency Modulation â Detection in Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy Th. Glatzel, S. Sadewasser, and M. Ch. Lux-Steiner Appl. Surf. Sci., 210, (2003), 84 , pdf. |
Resolution of Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy in Ultrahigh Vacuum: Comparison of Experiment and Simulation S. Sadewasser, Th. Glatzel, R. Shikler, Y. Rosenwaks, and M. Ch. Lux-Steiner Appl. Surf. Sci., 210, (2003), 32 , pdf. |
Influence of residual electrostatic force on height measurements in NC-AFM Sascha Sadewasser, Philippe Carl, Thilo Glatzel, and Martha Ch. Lux-Steiner Nanotechnology, 15, (2), (2003), S14 - 18, pdf. |
Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy on III-V Semiconductors: The Effect of Surface Defects on the Local Work Function Th. Glatzel, S. Sadewasser, R. Shikler, Y. Rosenwaks, and M. Ch. Lux-Steiner Materials Science & Engineering B, 102, (2003), 138 , pdf. |
Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy for the Nano Scale Characterization of Chalcopyrite Solar Cell Materials and Devices S. Sadewasser, Th. Glatzel, S. Schuler, S. Nishiwaki, R. Kaigawa, M. Ch. Lux-Steiner Thin Solid Films, 431-432, (2003), 257 , pdf. |
Interface Characterization of Flash and CVD Prepared ZnSe/CuGaSe2 Heterojunctions M. Rusu, S. Sadewasser, Th. Glatzel, P. Gashin, A. Jäger-Waldau , A. Simashkevich and M. Ch. Lux-Steiner Moldavian. J. Phys. Sci., 1, (2002), 124 . |
CuGaSe2 solar cell cross section studied by Kelvin probe force microscopy in ultrahigh vacuum Th. Glatzel, D. Fuertes Marrón, Th. Schedel-Niedrig, S. Sadewasser, and M. Ch. Lux-Steiner Appl. Phys. Lett., 81, (2002), 2017 , pdf. |
Work Function Imaging using Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy S. Sadewasser, and Th. Glatzel Bulletin of the Microscopy Society of Canada, 30, (2002), 19 . |
High resolution work function imaging of single grains of semiconductor surfaces S. Sadewasser, Th. Glatzel, M. Rusu, A. Jäger-Waldau, and M. Ch. Lux-Steiner Appl. Phys. Lett., 80, (2002), 2979 , pdf. |
Contribution of the ZnSe/CuGaSe2 Heterojunction in Photovoltaic Performances of Chalcopyrite Based Solar Cells M. Rusu, S. Sadewasser, Th. Glatzel, P. Gashin, A. Simashkevich and A. Jäger-Waldau Thin Solid Films, 403-404, (2002), 344 , pdf. |
Characterization of the ZnSe/CuGaSe2 interface using Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy S. Sadewasser, Th. Glatzel, M. Rusu, A. Meeder, D. Fuertes Marrón, A. Jäger-Waldau, M.Ch. Lux-Steiner Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 668, (2001), H5.4.1. |
Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy for the Characterization of Semiconductor Surfaces in Chalcopyrite Solar Cells Ch. Sommerhalter, S. Sadewasser, Th. Glatzel, Th.W. Matthes, A. Jäger-Waldau, and M.Ch. Lux-Steiner Surface Science, 482-485, (2001), 1362 , pdf. |
Kelvin probe force microscopy in ultra high vacuum using amplitude modulation detection of the electrostatic forces Ch. Sommerhalter, Th. Glatzel, Th.W. Matthes, A. Jäger-Waldau, and M.Ch. Lux-Steiner Applied Surface Science, 157, (2000), 263-268, pdf. |
High-sensitivity quantitative Kelvin probe microscopy by noncontact ultra-high-vacuum atomic force microscopy Ch. Sommerhalter, Th. W. Matthes, Th. Glatzel, A. Jäger-Waldau, and M. Ch. Lux-Steiner Appl. Phys. Lett., 75, (2), (1999), 286 , pdf. |